Database of Arabic Dialects ضاد
Version .93 Al-Ḥīra. 2022 by Alexander Magidow
Datum Tags
Tag Explanation
affix.verbal Verbal affixes of all kinds (indicative affixes, conjugation affixes)
closed-class A closed class (grammatical lexeme)
cond.-# Conditioned variant word final
cond.all Appears in all contexts, used to mark items that are not restricted to a particular conditioning environment where most items in those sets are restricted.
cond.C- Following a consonant
cond.CC- In an environment following two consonants
cond.heavy- Following a heavy syllable
cond.pausal Conditioned variant occuring at the end of a stretch of speech
cond.V- Following a vowel
cond.VV- Following a long vowel
demonstrative.adnominal For demonstratives which can stand as determiners with an adjectival-type relation to a noun
demonstrative.adverb.manner Demonstrative adverbs of manner Demonstrative adverbs of place, e.g. 'here', 'there'
demonstrative.allgendersnums For demonstrative article-type adnominals which can be used for any genders and numbers.
demonstrative.distal For demonstratives which indicate far objects
demonstrative.pronoun For demonstratives which can stand as independent pronouns.
demonstrative.proximal For demonstratives which indicate near or proximate objects
feminine grammatically feminine Interrogative for 'how' (in the sense of manner, not quantity)
interr.howmany Interrogative for 'how many' (as individual items)
interr.howmuch Interrogative for 'how much' (as a mass)
interr.polar Polar interrogative particles
interr.what Interrogative for 'what'
interr.when Interrogative for whe
interr.where Interrogative for 'when'
interr.wherefrom Interrogative for 'where from'
interr.whereto Interrogative for 'whereto'
interr.which Interrogative for 'which'
interr.who Interrogative for who
interr.why Interrogative for 'why'
justin Used to mark recently imported data for easy erasing in case of errors
masculine grammatically masculine
mass Mass, not singular or plural per se
noun A noun, takes definite article, has plural forms, etc
object Item is only used in object position
open-class An open class (e.g. lexical item)
person.1 First person
person.2 Second person
person.3 Third person
plural Plural
pronoun Any item that can stand in for a noun as an anaphore, including all sub-categories of pronouns (possessive, demonstrative, interrogative, etc.)
pronoun.independent Freestanding, independent pronouns, esp. personal pronouns
pronoun.suffix Pronouns which are suffixed, but with no distinction made between possessive or accusative.
pronoun.suffix.accusative Pronoun occurring as the object of a verb
pronoun.suffix.possessive Possessive pronoun, typically attaching to a host noun
singular Singular
singulative Singular derived from a mass
subject Item is only used in subject position
verb A verb, takes prefixes and suffixes for conjugation, expresses an event, etc
verb.geminate For items which pertain to verbs that have identical 2nd and 3rd radicals
verb.IIIweak Pertaining to verbs which have a weak third radical
verb.sound Verb stems or affixes which consist of only strong root letters
verb.suffixform Verb stems or affixes for the past-tense/suffix form.
Tag Explanation